
Enabling team work in CAD projects is provided by:

File share is used to share projects, project files (building plans as background images) and reports. If users install a desktop version it will feel like Dropbox or Google drive. On the other hand, the Web version provides features like when you upload and download files from the internet.
Notification works by using Email Send services, Live Query and Push Notification for mobile apps.

Notifications are used for:

- Authentication confirmation

- New project file or a project update

- New message or a message update


Messaging is the base in team work. Nowadays, the importance of message classification on private and work messages is recognized by most of the companies.
Full message integration is done when you are able to keep all messages within the company and link messages with the projects. Chats unrelated to the project are still available:

Project Messages

Project messages are like chat rooms created for a single project.

Tooltip enhancement

Tooltips are used to avoid roaming through menus.
Here we can see everything we need
to know about the team in this project.

Application Help is important in specialized software like this.
With the right tooltip in the right place it is possible to minimize help files.


Full message status gives us "delivery time" and "seen time" for every chat member. This detailed message status is rare in professional chat applications. Time is fully localized to corresponding time zone for every client and the central server.

Notification and search

Notifications for new messages and their "seen" status are available, too. Search can be done per single conversation and through all messages.